How Do I Know If I Need An Estate Plan?

An estate plan is simply a set of instructions that outlines what you want to happen if you become incapacitated and when you die.  Regardless of your wealth—modest or monstrous—your plan details your desires, family situation, assets, and how and by whom you want your affairs handled, when you can’t. Then, your estate attorney translates the information into legally enforceable instructions.An estate plan is much more than who gets what. So, what should an estate plan include?  Here are some of the most common goals:·      Stay in control·      Protect yourself·      Protect your loved ones·      Avoid being a burden·      Keep family and finances private·      Provide for incapacity·      Minimize your taxes and fees·      Leave a legacyAn estate plan is your instructional guide during and after your life.  Let’s discuss your wishes.Contact Terri Hilliard at 805-201-2552 or e-mail


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What Happens If I Don’t Have An Estate Plan?