Four Questions CPAs Should Ask Clients When Planning For The New Year
CPAs are a vital part of a client’s team of trusted advisors. CPAs can work with estate planning professionals to help clients achieve both their short- and long-term financial, estate and charitable planning, as well as compliance and governance needs. Here are four estate planning questions that CPAs should ask clients when approaching their financial planning for the New Year:
Top Four Estate Planning Tips For 2018
With the New Year, many of us will feel as if we are starting off with a clean slate and a whole list of things we want to accomplish. High on that agenda should be taking care of some basics, including reviewing current estate planning documents, planning for retirement and aging, financial planning, and insurance planning.
Creating a Trust for Your Pet
Who will care for your dog or cat when you pass away?What will happen to your bird should you become incapacitated?For many people, providing care for their pet after they pass away or if they become incapacitated is a very big concern and, as a result, most states (including CA) have statutes that provide for the enforcement of trusts created for the benefit of pets.
Big Tax Law Changes Coming For 2018
Dear Friends & Colleagues,My friend and colleague Robert Keebler, CPA/PFS warns that when the clock strikes midnight on December 31st, those with big stock holdings may be out of luck!When selling or gifting stock, we have always been able to pick and choose those with the highest basis, to reduce potential capital gains taxes (or realize losses).Things are about to change.
Local Attorney Makes Who's Who List
It was an honor to be chosen recently for the Pacific Coast Business Times annual "Who's Who in Professional Services" list of leading attorneys in the Tri-Counties area.
Smart Women Plan Ahead
I was thrilled to be a panelist on the inaugural Women of Dartmouth Los Angeles event entitled “Smart Women Plan Ahead,” held at the beautiful and welcoming home of Hilary Richards, ’92.
Life to the Fullest: No Matter What!
We are happy and proud to say that we have simply amazing people in our family of clients. That is why we want to take the opportunity to shine a spotlight on our client’s accomplishments, passions and legacies.
Simple Steps To Protect Yourself Online
In September, 2017 Terri Hilliard PC hosted a workshop on cyber security: "Don't Be A Victim! Easy Ways To Better Your Cyber Security."
When It Comes to Privacy and Medical Decisions, Who’s in Charge?
One of the most basic of patients’ rights is the right to privacy. They can decide to whom, when, and what extent their health information is disclosed, including medical diagnoses, treatments, prescriptions, insurance, and clinical research and mental health records.
Growing To Help You
In March, 2017, we were pleased to welcome Carí Jackson Lewis, Esq. to our team at Terri Hilliard, PC, as a Legal Extern. At the time, Carí had already returned to Loyola Law School’s Master of Laws (LL.M., Taxation) Program. Now we’re happy to report that Carí recently completed the program and is expected to be admitted to the California State Bar Association in January 2018.
Planning Options For End Of Life
No one wants to talk about it, but death is inevitable. We don’t know how or when it will occur, yet, most people delay planning for this eventuality. While the subject may seem morose and even uncomfortable, it is essential to explore your options and detail your wishes in advance – everything from retirement to long term care to distribution of assets to funeral services. To a large extent, you can control what happens at every stage of your life, but it must be well thought out and properly planned.
Attorney of the Year - Trail Blazer Award
I would like to give a big Thank You to the San Fernando Valley Business Journal for recently naming me as a recipient of the special “Trail Blazer Award” in the Journal’s annual 2017 Trusted Advisors program.
Terri Hilliard, PC: VC Star Reader's Choice Favorite
Thank you! For voting for Terri Hilliard, PC as a 2017 Ventura County Star Reader’s Choice Favorite!
Special Needs – One Term, Many Facets
The designation “special needs” brings with it a wide range of abilities and diagnoses that can include everything from Autism to Down Syndrome, blindness to ADHD, speech or eating disorders to hearing impairment, and epilepsy to cognitive disabilities, just to name a handful. In California alone, there are well over a million children who have been diagnosed with such conditions or disorders and the numbers are increasing at a staggering rate.
Money Talk 1290 Interviews Terri
In May, 2017, Money Talk 1290 - a radio show presented by Arlington Financial Advisors - interviewed Terri about the financial aspects of estate planning for seniors.
What’s to Happen to Boomer Kids and Their Children?
Baby Boomers, born 1946 to 1964, are a hardy lot. They’ve worked most of their lives. They probably have a home and may have saved up some money for retirement, which many are now entering. For the most part, they have been taking care of themselves. But what about their kids and their kids’ children?
Planning for Alzheimer’s Disease Part Two
It is estimated that some 5.1 million Americans may have Alzheimer's disease and that number is expected to rise to 16 million by 2050. Every 66 seconds, someone in this country will develop the disease, which is a progressive brain disorder that can have overwhelming physical, emotional and financial implications for today’s families.
Welcome To Terri Hilliard, PC
For an overview of our services and a few brief testimonials from some of our clients, please watch the video.
Terri Hilliard, PC Opens New Law Offices in Santa Barbara
Hello Friends – We’re growing again! Our firm has opened a new law office in Santa Barbara at 1825 State Street, Suite 206. It’s our goal to provide greater convenience for our clients in Santa Barbara County, providing our complete range of estate, elder care, and special needs planning services.
Top Estate Planning Pointers
Many people believe they don’t have enough in assets to warrant the need for an estate plan, but, if you have a car, a bank account, a house, life insurance policy, and/or retirement account, you need a plan. Here are some of the things to consider to maximize the value of the assets you do have and make informed decisions while you are alive to benefit your heirs and beneficiaries after your passing.