Seniors: A Cause For Concern
Every day, as an estate, elder care, and special needs attorney, I work with families dealing with any number of senior adult issues, including asset protection, elder abuse, medical and long-term care, housing and much more. Some 78 million Baby Boomers are moving into the senior population, which is having a significant impact on our communities and our collective resources.
Moorpark Field of Valor 2018
This Memorial Day, Moorpark Morning Rotary Club will once again be honoring all Veterans for their dedication and service to our nation. The Moorpark Field of Valor will display American flags that are dedicated in honor of, or in memory of, a family member or friend who proudly served in the armed forces.
What’s Scarier Than Freddie Kruger on Elm Street? Identity Theft
We hear the horror stories daily. Equifax, Yahoo, IRS, Sony Kaiser have been hacked. The identities of thousands of individuals are stolen every day. It’s bad enough, when we lose our personal information to cyber thieves through negligence of our own, but we must also contend with trusted corporate and other sources being hacked seemingly on a regular basis.
"My Darkest Years" — A Memoir
James Bachner is an amazing man with a compelling life story. He was born in Berlin in 1922, and as a German Jew he was destined to live through some of the unimaginable experiences of the Third Reich. As he grew up he witnessed the transformation of his homeland as the Nazis came to power.
Pause4kids March 2018
I’m delighted to let you know that the presentation that Pause4kids and I sponsored last evening was a wonderful success.
Securing Your Documents and Electronic Accounts, Securing Your Wishes
While we’re alive, we gather a library full of paperwork and access codes relating to such things as insurance policies, bank records, taxes, digital accounts, medical reports, personal property, and real estate and other assets. Protecting this kind of information is very important, but, surprisingly, many people forget to properly manage their documents and digital assets.
The Joy of Key Chains
One of the great joys of working with families with special needs children is seeing how they can inspire people to reach out to support one another. One of our clients, Marla and David Rosenblum and their daughter, Aubree, is a perfect example.
Caregiver Recognition Day
Senior Concerns is a wonderful organization, and on Friday, March 2, 2018 they will host Caregivers Matter…Conejo Cares, their third annual half-day program and luncheon honoring family caregivers who are caring for aging loved ones.
Where There's A Will, There's A Way — Celebrity Estate Missteps
Other than being famous, what do Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King, Jr., Jimi Hendrix, Pablo Picasso, James Dean, Howard Hughes, Michael Jackson, Heath Ledger, and Prince have in common? They all left significant estates behind them, but either had no Will or estate plan in place or if they did they “flubbed” it up leaving their loved ones unprotected. The missteps caused unintended consequences, public disclosure of private matters, enormous family strife and costing their heirs dearly in court and legal fees as well as delay.
Autism Resource Guide
If you have a child affected by Autism, there is a terrific resource you may benefit from right here in Ventura County. It is the Autism Society of Ventura County — founded in 1994 by local parents, educators and professionals to help support newly-diagnosed families and develop needed local resources. First known as the Ventura County Autism Society (VCAS), the organization is a non-profit chapter of the Autism Society of America.
How Will the Tax Law Impact Seniors and Persons with Disabilities?
Retirees, most of whom are on relatively fixed incomes, are probably the most concerned about what the new tax law will mean for them. But, generally, they will be less affected than others because the changes do not affect how Social Security and investment income are taxed. In fact, many will benefit from the doubling of the standard deduction and, with the new individual tax brackets and rates, will be paying less in taxes when they file their tax returns in April, 2019. (Most of the changes will apply to 2018 income, not 2017 income.)